A couple months one of my best friends gave me "Italian Joy" a book written by Carla
Coulson, an Australian photographer who found her muse in Italy, she talks about the great the Italian culture is, how Fantastic the
Architecture is, how warmth the Italians are and of course about their amazing cuisine.
Since I read that book, I have found myself very interested in the Italian culture, (hoping to visit soon) reading about humanism and Renaissance in Italy I realized that a lot of their culture comes from this 2 movements, one Cultural the other Social but both of them impacted the way the country is perceived in the world, I definitely have to read more about it to put this ideas in a better shape and make more sense, I particularly will definitely research more about humanism.
The David by Donatello it's definitely a perfect representation of this
tought, Donatello's put a more physiological meaning into his word (David being a representation of triumph over something that seemed almost impossible) his facial expression and the pose show security, at that time when Florence won the battle over Milan gave a huge security and pride to the Florentines, but I also think that Donatello's used this opportunity to express his self in a different and more personal way, definitely way ahead of his time.
Donatello was also and inspiration for a lot of other Artist whom adopted his technique to add more emotion into their work. I would say that taking risk pays back and the David it's a perfect example of it.
Now I know more about a great country and where it comes from and find myself even more in interested in visiting soon.